
What Is JWT?

JWT stands for json web token, it’s open stander use to transmit information between parties as a JSON object. It is compact, URL-safe, and used extensively in web applications for authentication and information exchange.

JWTs are digitally signed using keys and secrets. We verify the JWT with these keys and the signature to authenticate the user. Most web systems use JWTs to authorize users to access certain resources.

Token Components

A JWT has three main components: the header, the payload, and the signature. When we create a token, we pass the header and payload, and then the token generates the signature.

Headre - The header of a JWT contains metadata about the token. It includes three values: alg, typ, and kid. The alg specifies the algorithm used to sign the token, typ indicates the token type, and kid is an optional parameter used to identify the key. Whether to include kid depends on your use case.

  "alg": "RS256", // allow [HS256,RS256,ES256]
  "typ": "JWT", // Specific Type Of token
  "kid": "12345" // Used to indicate which key was used to sign the JWT. This is particularly useful when multiple keys are in use

Payload - In Payload we specify some custom data mostly add user specific data into payload like user id and role.

  "sub": "1234567890",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "iat": 1516239022

Signature - The signature is generated by encoding the header and payload with a secret key (for HS256) or signing them with a private key (for RSA), and then hashing the result. This signature is used to verify the token.

How Token Is Created